After discovering some interesting facts about animals in class, DBH 1 students have learnt more about animals and their habitats through doing different experiments and research projects.
Thanks to their hard work, amongst many other things, now we also know that dogs have a preference when eating from different colored bowls and why owls don’t make noise when flying.
The findings and explanations were presented at a Science Fair where 2nd Bachillerato students listened to the presentations.
Great job everybody!
DBH 1eko ikasleek BIZIn eta ingeleseko klaseetan animalien inguruko ikerketa egin dute, animalien eta beraien habitaten buruz gehiago jakiteko. Beraien lanketari esker, orain badakigu txakurrek jateko zein koloretako ontziak nahiago dituzten edo ontzek zergatik ez duten soinua ateratzen hegan egiten ari direnean. 2. Batxilergoko ikasleen aurrean aurkeztu zituzten aurkikuntzak.
Lan bikaina guztiona!